
Since the arrival of KIMISOI in Asia since 2014, “ Herbal Based Skincare” has always been KIMISOI’s skincare motto, especially treating women with acne-infested or / and sensitive skin, KIMISOI was an overnight star in the skincare world. Through unstoppable passion and the passing of multiple rigorous tests, KIMISOI’s products earned the reconciliation of “Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands” and gained the title of “ 2016-2018 Asia Pacific Super Healthy Brand “ , and was invited to the “ Asia Pacific Outstanding Brand “Annual Awards Ceremony.

The reconciliation of "Asia Pacific Outstanding Brand" gives business, brands, products and leaders a third party international authority reconciliation. Since 2002 , the "Asia Pacific Outstanding Brand "Annual Awards Ceremony has become Asia Pacific's most influential brand awarding ceremony. Previous awardees were very successful business, brands and entrepreneurs, that come from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, America, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Australia, Switzerland, and many more countries and areas. Samsung, LG and thousand other brands and businesses were previous awardees too. KIMISOI, being a striving skincare brand, has extended its market from Korea to China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Russia and many more countries and areas.




金美相品牌相关负责人以及东南亚优秀代理商参加了颁奖晚会 与此前已取得此殊荣的全球知名品牌如南航、泰康人寿、海尔、美的、佳能、格力空调、麦当劳、Samsung(三星)等站在同一平台。


2016 年第15届亞太國際世紀企業家-精英大奖


2016 年第15届亞太國際世紀企業家-精英大奖暨亞太傑出品牌國際紀錄大全年会 《亚太杰出品牌》卓越年会颁奖典礼,已经成为亚太区域最具品牌影响力的品牌盛会。自2012年以来,来自马、新、中、港、台、美、日、韩、菲、柬、印尼、印度、澳洲、瑞士等国家和地区。已经有超过 1,000 家亚太国际企业、品牌与企业家获此殊荣。



评选标准将严格考量品牌影响力、国际化程度、品牌购买力及品牌活跃度等10多种系列考核。 金美相的一言一行将有国际权威人士监督,金美相的每一款产品,也要经过国际重重考核才能得以上线。 金美相作为一个仅仅两年多的年轻品牌能够获得这个荣耀,离不开金美相亚洲各个代理商的努力,还有我们忠实粉丝一直以来的喜爱和支持
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